Very quick thread because they don't deserve my time. Once again Ive read a few Barca fans focusing on the wrong culprits. Once again Barca fans are entering these silly nonsensical debates about managers & players. What do I care about Koemen or Pochettino? Suarez or Lautaro?
This is where I got it wrong. They sucked the life out of the club so much during Valverde's time that I wanted to see any type of change. Obviously Setien excited me. Anyone that has followed him can confirm he's a good coach. But just like Sampaoli, he shat the bed.
Ask yourself what makes good managers, managers that are loyal to their ideas forget everything that made them contenders for a big job.

BARCA'S ENVIRONMENT IS CANCEROUS. No matter who comes in will suffer. That's why Xavi refused in January. Setien is ignorant to these things.
Dont you get why Pep, Xavi, Puyol, Valdes, Cruyff (before the cancer) all distanced themselves from this board? Only foreign legends like Kluivert & Abidal are connected to this board because it's an honour for them. But local legends? They know what these people are about.
Why don't they attack Barto then?

Pep almost replied to them in 2013 (after all he had done) & they started an incredible campaign against him. A campaign that fucked up his relationship with Tito, a campaign that makes many cules celebrate City defeats. ONLY IN BARCELONA.
Regarding Setien we saw progress (not as radical as I would've liked), until he started bringing back the Rakitic's & the Suarez's. I bet he regrets it. He was gonna lose anyway, might as well lose with dignity.

But we needed this loss. This club needs a long & hard debate.
I don't think you guys realize the power of this board in the media. Everyone's convinced that Arthur's a bum now. Last season he revived it, didnt participate in Anfield & this season he was the best MF until Barca started a campaign against him to convince him to leave.
Polls, articles, lies. How did you expect him to play when your own club (media, fans & coach) are after you? This is a guy that loves the club, saw himself here for 10 years. What did they tell him for him to accept an offer this quick? These are the criminals we're dealing with
And instead of our fans asking how a club as big as Barca finds itself in such critical financial situation that we have to sell Arthur, it's discussing Arthur's one touch football. Seriously?

Ahh finally Puig will play more. Bye Arthur. Yeah right, bunch of idiots
We are a club that started a campaign for Braithwaite to replace Griezz, while knowing that Martin is a 30yo bum that plays for Leganes & that cant play in the CL. Even Madrid havent done that with Bale. We are all criminals. Fans, media, directors, all of us. We allow this.
You saw the space Bayern left behind? That's because they know Suarez wont outpace Boateng in the 50m runs. Thats why teams allow themselves to press the almighty Barca. Vidal, Roberto, Leo, Busi, all slow players. Keep the ball or counter with speed. No one fears us anymore.
Ive seen some idiots attack Setien as if he's the main culprit here. He's just a consequence of it all. Remember when I was "laportismo" back in 2015 & you were celebrating the treble while posting pictures of Barto with his sleeves rolled up, where's that energy now?
Barca have been spanked with Lucho, Valverde, Setien. Barto tried to fool us. He kept Setien after La Liga so that we have someone to point to. THANK GOD this 8-2 is too big to hide from. DONT GIVE HIM THIS PLEASURE. Fvck Koemen or whomever, ELECTIONS OR BUST.
Everything this board has done since Rosell, theyve done out of hate towards Laporta & Cruyff. And unfortunately they had Messi to paper over the cracks but not even Messi can cover up this mess. And now we'll probably lose him too.
It seems to me Barto wants a transitional year (to try to fix his image before he leaves) but Messi wants a competitive project. He's 34 next summer. Elections or I genuinely see him leaving. His silence is deafening to me. City need that X factor too apparently..
I used to call Barto the worst Barca president in history back in 2016 when some smart people were pointing to Gaspart. At least Gaspart genuinely loves Barca. He was just incompetent. Barto doesnt like Barca, he doesnt like Football, he hates Cruyff & his legacy.
And you vote for him & Rosell not once (2010), not twice (2015), but 3 times (2017, mocion). Imagine if the motion vs Laporta went through in 2008. It almost did. Maybe it should've. Because thats what these fans deserve.
Anyways hope you're all doing well. I'll deactivate later tonight but I guess I'll see you soon when Laporta (or Font) return. They both are football people but are willing to let smarter people than them decide. Barto? Anyways no point honestly.

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