Was going to make a youtube video about a computer I built in @minecraft but a thread is easier to make and a bit more engaging. (1/?)
I'll follow up in the next few days with some more info on the > 100 hour endeavor that is designing + building a computer that reads assembly, but I first want to emphasize the potential this game has to be a useful sandbox tool for developing basic circuits and building.. (2/?)
intuitive understanding for how signals interact. For those at @CSatUSC, much of what we build in EE 109 can be replicated in this game - with far fewer mechanical errors. Replying to this thread with some examples of building blocks for almost any circuit/computation... (3/?)
tool imaginable. You're really only limited by speed and memory. (4/?)
Redstone Wiring. You can generate permanent + temporary signals. You can bring signals up stairs and across the ground. Can even go straight up if you're creative. (5/?)
You can move blocks. These can be chained together to create mechanical displays. (6/?)
You can invert signals. Put a torch on the side of a block that's receiving an input and it will output the reverse of what receives. (7/?)
You can build NAND gates (big deal). Ask your intro EE prof - these are the foundation for a circuit of ~any~ complexity. (8/?)
Less consequential than the previous example but here's an XOR gate in action. If you have two light switches attached to the same bulb, this gate would mimic that circuit's behavior. (9/?)
Full Adder! These can be chained together to add (or subtract) two binary numbers of any length. (10/?)
D-Flip Flops. With these and NAND gates we can (in theory) build something that's Turing Complete. They allow you modify, persist, and read specific bits in memory. (11/?)
Add delay. Signal "repeaters" are not only used to extend dying current but also to delay when it arrives at its destination. Useful for generating temporary signals from permanent ones or timing your clock rate. (12/?)
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