Monday, July 25, 1831. Anne is astonished at Tib’s “perfect apathy” about grubbling. She receives a letter from Vere, with news about Charles Stuart and pithy comments about Lady Gordon. 1/3
A day trip to Thixendale is nixed when Charlotte has a sore eye and can’t drive, and anyway the horse-force is weak at the moment. Anne decides to walk it, has an adventure that takes her over hedge and ditch until she’s rescued by a farmer, and winds up very much heated. 2/3
Anne endures anything but a distingué party at dinner and then has her feelings hurt when Tib and Charlotte imply that she’s a social climber and snob, a.k.a. a “tuft hunter.” Tib says Lou Belcombe claims to have seen Anne’s admission of this in Anne’s own handwriting. 3/3
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