Students are not paying for seat time in lectures or mode of instruction.

They are paying for learning that comes with good pedagogy and experienced, knowledgeable instructors.

Unfortunately powerful anti-education forces don’t want anyone, inc students, to understand that.
Faculty, if you think the only way students get value from your course is via synchronous FTF sessions with you, this reflects a lack of pedagogical training on your part.

It’s not your fault. The system doesn’t want you to succeed and support students.
And administrators,

Staff and faculty are also humans first. Treat them with care and empathy and trust them. In turn they will trust you, feel like they belong, and create a caring work environment that facilitates student learning.

Listen to @simonsinek & @LoweryHart
I appreciate the DM that reminded me I should add another thought:

Administrators are also humans first. That’s easy to forget since they hold disproportionate power. Remember that the new economics of college are structurally cruel to them too.
Opposition to education takes many forms.

One way is by insisting it is a private good and pricing it as such. Framing college as a personal investment limits access to it, by definition.

A focus on individual ROI follows from that perspective.

And it justifies student debt
The fight this fall is for the very soul and future of education beyond high school.

Many insecure people want to disrupt the trend towards great access. They want to go back to the “good old days” when only white men were educated, and thus powerful.
Faculty, don’t fight with your students. Learn how to engage them.

Administrators, we feel for you. This situation is awful. Don’t make faculty or students the enemy.

The project here isn’t institution building. It’s lifelong learning. It’s democracy.
This other thread is closely related 👇
By the way, faculty please remember:

Students are humans first. Treat them with care and empathy and trust them. In turn they will trust you, feel like they belong, and create a caring environment in your classroom that facilitates learning.

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