/THREAD\\ Does #fantasyfootball Twitter write content for people outside of this group?

Recently, thanks to a conversation with @JeffKrisko, I’ve been thinking about producing content geared less towards analysts, and more towards the everyday player.
This isn’t to discount the work that’s being done in this community. The depth of analysis amazes me, and some of the work has definitely shifted the way i think about the game.

But can we get too far into the weeds?
I started doing fantasy football analysis this summer, and I started mostly to improve my own game, so that I can have a better chance to dunk on my home leagues.

Most of the work I’ve done is for me to learn how to beat my brothers and my college buddies.
That’s not the goal for everyone, but for a lot of people, that’s where fantasy football ends.

Some of the (exceptional) analysis done by this community isn’t focused on the everyday player.
. @JeffKrisko has the Jenkins in Accounting test, which I love. Would JiA care about this? If they wouldn’t, maybe it’s too niche.

Most of the biggest accounts in fantasy football appeal to JiA a lot better than I do.
For the people trying to “make it” in fantasy football analysis, it’s important to pass the JiA test, maybe not with all of your content, but at least with some.
You can follow @JoelSigristFF.
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