Tweeting out some coloring rate information again:

Bottom floor of indie work you should be accepting is 50pp. It is up to you if you think a backend % will make enough to build up to that 50pp, but please don't accept less as soon as you are able.
Established publishers will pay 60-150pp for interior color & many of those include backend, most commonly around 1% but some people can get 10%
For illustration work please charge at least

50 + ((hours expected including edits * min wage)*1.33)
One final thing:

The colorist community is wonderful. I don't know everyone, but if you are a colorist & you need help, reach out. We do our best to take care of and protect each other.
You can follow @marissadraws.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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