Have received scores of messages from downgraded students. Here are a few. Firstly, David. He goes to an FE college in Gateshead. He's the first in his family to go to uni.

He got a place @pembroke1347 (Cambridge) to read engineering. Assessed AA*A- got A*AB. Place is on hold.
He's devastated. He said Cambridge has been "my dream for years."

His college had little history of Oxbridge places. But he and some mates were an exception. They were all really gifted at maths and predicted A*/As

But no-one at his college had ever got an A/A* in maths before.
So the Ofqual calculations couldn't account for it. They downgraded them all. David was relatively lucky, his was just from A* to A (even though it has cost him his Cambridge place). Two of his friends have gone from A predictions to C and a D. These were high achieving students.
The story of David and his maths class neatly encapsulates the problem. The system cannot account for this sudden (and welcome) improvement in an institution's performance. Because no-one got an A* before in maths- no-one can now.
"It doesn't feel real. The college thought it would be the best year we've ever had. But the algorithm say it's not allowed."
David and his friends had exemplary academic records. In David's case, his interview at Cambridge, his aptitude test all made Pembroke award him a place. But now, it's on hold pending appeals until August 31st.

If the appeal is successful after that date, he can go in 2021.
But that would be a problem for David. He doesn't know what he'd do financially with a year at home and nor does his mum. She'll lose her benefits when he leaves school. He'd relied on student finance for next year. With the job market on its knees, he doesn't know what he'd do.
This doesn't just affect state schools either. I spoke to Abby from Bosworth. She goes to a private school. She had a place at Lancaster and York to read Geography. She needed ABB.

She got ABU.

As a result of that U she can't just not get in Lancs or York but anywhere at all.
Essentially, several years ago someone got a U at her school for maths.

She was ranked bottom of her class for maths. She was still predicted a B or a C but was at the bottom.

Ofqual decided, therefore, someone from the school needed to get a U and it was her.
Abby is now facing the prospect of not going to university this year, at all.

Her mental health has really suffered.

"It's not been great to be honest. I cried the whole day yesterday and the day before. It's not justice. It's immoral."
And it's not all just about university places. It's about apprenticeships too.

I've been speaking to Paul. He's Dad to Joey from Lancashire. Joey had an incredible opportunity. An apprenticeship/degree placement. Comp sci @UniversityLeeds in term time. PWC placement for holidays
Leeds was asking for AAA

His CAGs were AAA

His UCAS predicted was A*A*A (helpful reminder: they're not the same thing)

Ofqual grades: BBB

Leeds have said no. He's lost an apprenticeship which is worth about £80k over the three years
Worse, mocks might not be much use as a basis for appeal as he got AAB

But (as I've reported all week) this is testament to how mocks are a poor basis for appeal. His teachers have been clear Joe only got AAB in mocks because they upped the grade boundaries (v common).
Naturally both Joe and Dad (Paul) are "devastated"

Leeds have said he can appeal but it has to be done and dusted by 7th September. If not, there's no place.

Dad says he just doesn't know what to say to his son: "I'm not being dramatic when I say his world has come to an end."
Joe's Dad: "He feels there's no future for him and I don't know what to say. I'm a teacher and it makes a mockery of everything we do and say- that if you work hard you'll get there. Except it doesn't."
Then, there's Laurie. He goes to a comprehensive school in Norfolk. He had a place @SidneySussex, Cambridge to read history.

He had an offer of a A*AA

His CAG was A*A*A

His result was AAA

Sidney Sussex have told him no, unless the appeal is successful. He has until 31st Aug.
He got the highest grades in his year, even despite the downgrade. But he's the only one uncertain whether he'll even be going to university.

He had been told other colleges might consider him for this year if Sidney Sussex couldn't.

But that pool has now closed.
He has an insurance at St. Andrews. But that course is due *to start* seven days after 31st August, seven days after the cut off the appeals process for Cambridge. He doesn't know what to do, what to plan for, where to turn.
Logging off for the night, if I haven't replied to you yet, I will. Please do keep your stories coming via DM, I'll be reporting on this all week.
But suspect this week will be much like the last. I spoke to a teacher earlier in despair. He teaches at a school in special measures.He says he has an outstanding kid “the cleverest I’ve taught.” Says he’d be bound to get a 9 for his GCSE. “But there’s no chance that’ll happen.”
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