Yesterday’s shooting in Portland by worthless incel @SkylorJernigan provides a glimpse into really bad fascist propaganda that inexplicably works despite being disproven in real time. 1/
As is usually the case the center of this particular scam is fraud, hack, and voice of US fascism @MrAndyNgo. It’s important to start where Andy’s game started, when Andy got bopped in the head and claimed to have a brain hemorrhage
A lack of documentation and Andy’s immediate activity after this alleged injury suggests he’s lying, that and the fact he always lies. The day of this alleged injury Andy was offered security(by his own admission) but declined, despite him stating he feared for his life
Andy has successfuly begged for hundred of thousands of dollars off of this alleged injury but more importantly he has become the go to for raving lunatic fascists across the country, don’t believe me? Read any comments to any post he makes.
Which brings us back to yesterday. Andy was early in reporting a shooting downtown, despite loads of video evidence he still has yet to name a culprit. “Someone” doing some heavy lifting here.
One of Andy’s stringers is @emma_mitchem who while gathering propaganda for Andy Ngo, rallies with far right fascists who stormed through the the streets of Portland spraying mace and shooting people with pellet guns, including journalists and random citizens
Coincidentally Emma was recording her knees at the exact moment gunfire rang out, why you ask? Because she was in the car with the shooter and was making propaganda porn for fascist goblins to consume on Andy ngos page.
Why wouldn’t you be ok? You were shooting at people
Now that the propaganda video is circulated, time for some poorly executed damage control. By definition, a conspiracy.
Thing is none of the proof matters, all of those likes you see are from people that don’t care what actually happened. Go show them the incontrovertible proof and they will say “I don’t care”
Again, damage control. They are banking on cops not giving a shit about out of town fascists attacking the city, and they’re right
Hmm yes, I wonder why
“I believe they did”
The person commenting was shown proof that Haley is lying and said “I don’t believe you”. No lie is too outrageous
It’s not even much of a stretch to think this whole plan was concocted with Andy Ngo, remember the people that mysteriously showed up at his house for a photo op?
The only think missing in their brilliant plan was they forgot that literally everyone records everything.
The only reason any of this matters is because we need to understand the game and how to combat it. The cops aren’t going to do shit, they’ve already shown that they are tacitly supporting right wing vigilantism, they’ve done so for years, it’s just now becoming more blatant.
Imo tacit approval will soon morph into outright collaboration because they share ideology and goals, the suppression of the left.
Keep in mind the “acting” head of DHS retweets Andy Ngo and harebrained conspiracy theories
I’ve seen some folks here say we should just ignore the right, an idea I may have engaged with in the past, but when they become a shadow enforcement arm of the state you definitely cannot ignore, they are bloodthirsty maniacs and they’ll get away with violence if we let them
There’s historical precedent for fascist governments activating vigilante groups to commit atrocities against their enemies, it’s hard to argue that we aren’t in the early stages right now.
Forget optics when dealing with fascist incursions and remove them by whatever means available, but be smart because we won’t get away with what they will.
Hmmm, Emma is this the same gun Skylor used to shoot at people? Thank god y’all suck at shooting, the only reason no one was hurt
Andy Ngo is currently trying to forget about his role in a downtown shooting yesterday by being mad that real journalists exist
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