I'm fairly sure that every single book that has ever been released has received a negative review. If you truly think that you are going to be the first author to never receive criticism and/or negative feedback then I'd take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror.
Reading is subjective, not everyone likes the same, some love what others hate and the opposite is true too. Yes, it'll be disappointing and upsetting to get negative feedback on something that you have put months/years of your life into, but if you can't act like an adult then
maybe writing isn't for you. There's something to be said about being mature, if you can't do that, well, I'd suggest that you learn. A reader's view on your book can't possibly be wrong as reading is subjective.
You are only too happy to take the glowing and positive reviews, but, this is life, positive and negative go hand in hand, it's how it is and you can't have one without the other.
If you accept it in a mature manner and move on, pull up your big boy or big girl (or how you choose to identify) and behave respectfully then you will come out of it looking like a decent person.
Acting like a twat, calling someone out and slinging shit just makes you look like a twat and will make you look bad. It'll also make people question what you are really like and will lose you readers and potential readers.
A negative review can still sell books, acting like a twat won't, it'll tarnish your reputation and your chance at sales. So, look at yourself, it's not the negative review that hurts you, it is how you respond and act.
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