I've decided that the right-wing ideas currently poisoning society will not be defeated by evidence. People are not behaving rationally. So how do we change events?

With psychology. (thread)

Think of these opinions as a dam, and your alternative view is a glass of water.
We can't change a society governed by intractable irrational ideas (or break the dam) with our single glass of water.

But if we each pour our glass in to the river flow to the dam, the pressure will build.

If we keep refilling and pouring more glasses in, the dam will burst.
In other words, if we keep making our voices heard, keep openly dissenting in front of family and friends, keep making the case on social media, in letters, in votes, in arguments and debate, we will, gradually, allow others to dissent too. We will, gradually, break the dam.
Do what you must, but don't lose hope. Never quit. Doing that will mean the dam remains forever.

We owe it to our children to fight.

Only we can give them a better world.
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