trans activists always say shit like “why do you care?” “this literally doesn’t affect you, you just wanna be transphobic.”

except it does affect us. you are trying to change the definition of words. you are taking away our spaces. we have a right to be female exclusive.
now, whenever i say i’m a lesbian, i have to be careful not to say anything about my “genital preference” lest i get called a terf.

now, it has become legal in many places for a male to declare himself a woman to gain access to women’s shelters and assault them.
don’t tell me “that never happens”, because i will pull up dozens of cases for you easily. just ask for them.

now, women are being called “uterus havers” “cervix havers” “vagina owners”. i have not once seen “penis havers” or anything of the sort.
now, if i criticize the porn industry or how the vast majority of sex workers wish to leave the industry due to the abuse they face, i’m instantly labeled as a swerf, when in fact that’s who i’m trying to protect.
now, males can break into and vandalize women’s shelters and paint dicks on the walls and leave dead rats at the door in the name of “trans activism”. funding for rape shelters can get cut because they don’t include males.
now, people who call themselves lesbians but still like dick are making “cis” men believe that all of us can be convinced to fuck them.
now, if you criticize or question any of the above at all... you get called a terf. the argument is instantly shut down. you are no longer worth listening to. conversation over. feminism is regressing, and you dare tell me it’s none of my business? that it doesn’t affect me? 🤡
use google translate for this. trans/queer activists break into a women’s shelter and draw dicks all over the walls.
a transgender woman demands she be allowed to use the girl children’s bathroom at the school she works at, despite being allowed to use the adult women’s meant for staff. she claims it is transphobic to not allow her to use the children’s restroom.
trans activists harass a west african woman about not being “inclusive enough” about the language she used in describing the art she made about her female body.
trans activists invade a Q&A for the civil rights of women and girls, screaming “TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN”, interrupting the moment of silence for the orlando pulse shooting, asking a black woman if she supports the KKK, and much more.
breaking the thread a bit here to comment on the above video. in that video, they mention that 100 trans women were murdered the year before. this is a valid argument to bring up; yes, tw are discriminated against and murdered - but it is important to mention by /who/.
bc i know the answer to that, and it certainly isn’t natal women. it is males. it is their toxic masculinity and homophobia that cause them to enact violence on trans women. so my question is, why are they choosing a women’s meeting to interrupt, and not, say, a football game?
somewhere that heterosexual males frequent?

i have never seen any woman call for violence or murder of trans women. we may disagree on a variety of things, but we, as radical feminists, do not have the goal of exterminating trans women. they deserve safety and civil rights.
however, those rights do not include access to natal women’s shelters. the multiple examples of people taking advantage of this above speaks for itself. trans women are not safe with “cis” het males, i agree. but the solution should not be to let them into female spaces.
they should get their own spaces. that is what they should be fighting for. your comfort and safety is just as important as ours; not MORE important.
more examples of how trans activism affects us.
would you be comfortable with this person in the changing room with you? in fact, anywhere near you?
a feminist legal clinic is in danger of being shut down because they are associated with a gender critical women’s movement.
a patient requesting her mammogram appt to be handled by a natal female is deemed “transphobic” by the clinic; the clinic states that her request was as offensive as asking for a clinician of a certain race.
a woman is raped by a trans woman at a club in mexico. afterwards, the trans woman tells “her” friends that she rejected “her” because of transphobia, and sends them to beat her up.
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