why tw / food is useless — AN EXPLANATORY THREAD.

tw : eating disorders and disordered behaviors.
— the first reason why trigger warning food is useless (and harmful) is because it demonizes food and makes us feel like food (= eating) is a bad thing and isn’t normal. when it shouldn’t be the case. it genuinely worsen our discomfort towards food.
— it also makes us feel like children who can’t control ourselves or who need to be protected from seeing anything as terrible as,,, food 🧍‍♀️(lol)
it feels belittling, i mean it, when y’all trigger warn food EVEN WHEN ITS EMBROIDERED ON A DRESS??? yes i’m talking about the strawberry dress?? like hello?
— something i do want to address is that it feels like y’all are doing it to feel or look woke and aware 🤣 when in reality y’all probably don’t know anything about eds and how we live or what it’s REALLY like.
we eat. we do. we face food everyday. for most of us food is constantly on our mind. we even watch mukbangs and look up food lmao. it’s not because you’re gonna tweet that you want a fucking burger that we’re gonna get the shakes or get on the floor and cry.
i hope you realize how stupid you look tweeting “tw/food!!!! omg just made pasta!!!!” like... we’re not gonna die because you decided to make pasta you know?
NOW things that you can and should tw are:

— eating disorders and disordered behaviors/eating.
— calories, skipping meals, over exercising and such.
pls stop normalizing skipping meals and tweeting shit like “omg i haven’t eaten in two days lol!!!” because THIS is triggering. or like the “wait do people really eat 3 meals a day lol 😂” tweets. i beg.
It’s really important to normalize tweeting about food, making it a normal thing, this way it will also get normalize in some people’s head and put them in a better headspace. food IS normal. (i know, how ironic of me, someone struggling with an eating disorder, to remind y’all)
fun additional fact: we actually don’t tw food here (most of us), on edtwt. so if we don’t, why do you?
note: i am aware that everyone is different and some people do suffer from foodphobia, however it’s a very serious condition that needs to and can be treated so please if it’s your case do seek help as food is such an important thing in any living being’s life.
food isn’t bad. food is important. you can afford to eat, allow yourself a break.

and here’s your reminder to eat and drink a lot of water. stay healthy and safe. ily. food isn’t your enemy. if you want to talk, dm me ♡
+ by the way if you don’t have an eating disorder or any condition that relates to food, or if you’re not muslim (relating to ramadan), you have no right to say if food should be tw or not :)
LAST NOTE: if your oomfs REALLY need the tw, go ahead, if it’s a case by case thing it can’t be helped, don’t get into fights or anything just be aware and make sure that said person stays healthy, because if you shelter them this way there is a chance it’ll only get worse 💛
^ + instead of using tw you can use cw (content warning) which is... friendlier i guess and has a less negative connotation.
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