Seeing a lot of nervousness around entering interviews. So, going to self-disclose #MedTwitter:

- I had a 202 on Step 1
- 210 on Step 2 (one point above passing)
- Failed 4 Shelf exams (thus, automatic Pass on clerkships even with honoring clinically)

- I was "Very good" one step from the bottom tier

Those numbers didn't say:

- I had experienced daily discrimination from faculty and classmates
- I had become depressed, anxious, and suicidal
- I still continually was working to help everyone and our institution as class prez
Those numbers didn't say:

- I had exam anxiety
- I had lost nearly all of myself but was still showing up to make a difference
- I was continually told my clinical acumen was deemed stellar by many
- That my issues had nothing to do with class prez, and all 2/2 minority stress.
Yet, here I am. I had a vice dean who was a true ally in those times.

We all find a way and we're here to help you all.

If a place judges you on solely your numbers, that's on them. You are each so much more. Each one of you are lived experiences, not pinpoint numbers.
Specific advice:

- On my MSPE/grades/Above the Line I made sure my exam scores were mentioned - it built my narrative of exam anxiety
- I made sure my Above the Line stuff all mentioned my clinical acumen and team-building
- I took a breath then 1million more
If you have things that aren't so great, build your narrative as to WHY those things happened.

And try to make sure that's somewhere in your narrative, essay, wherever you can put that stuff in.

We focus too much on numbers in medicine, not the person.

Not their story.
It's going to be okay, #MedTwitter.

Each one of us struggled at some point (and if we didn't we're probably one of those a-holes telling everyone how medicine was easy and had no minority stress). And we're still here.

You'll be joining us.
I cannot promise everything will work how you want. I won't promise that. But I will say that you're not alone in your worries.

You aren't alone and you are so much more than you realize.
You can follow @ChaseTMAnderson.
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