Physicists measure spin in units of 1/2, but if you double these you get natural numbers.

A particle of spin j and one of spin k can turn into one of spin ℓ only if:

• no one of j, k, ℓ exceeds the sum of the other two;

• j+k+ℓ is even.

See what's going on?

Penrose noticed that these rules are automatic if we think of the numbers j, k, ℓ as numbers of "wires" or "strands".

It's like a particle of spin j is made of j identical things!

He decided that the quantum theory of spin was based on the theory of finite sets.

Penrose wrote some papers and notes on this. They're hard to get, so he let me put some here:

This math led to the theory of "spin networks" in loop quantum gravity. But nobody took much advantage of the connection to finite sets.

Mathematically this connection is called "Schur-Weyl duality":

The representations of SU(2), which describe spin, come from the representations of Sₙ that permute n identical "bosonic" things!

(4/n, n = 4)
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