I want to #SavetheUSPS mostly for the big reasons like delivering meds & ballots & birthday cards, serving remote areas, etc.

But I've realized lately how important mail has been to me personally at different stages of my life. So forgive me, but I'm going to thread a little...
First, do kids still collect things? Child Elizabeth had two long-term collections: stamps (Philately is fun! - @sorkinese) and postcards. I was also a devoted pen pal, writing to kids in Indonesia, Poland, and, for 6+ years, to another Elizabeth in Yorktown, VA. #MyBestUSPSMail
My earliest activism in high school was organizing my church to send letters Congress for debt relief for the Jubilee 2000 campaign. ("Fun" fact! The Congressman I wrote to / got nowhere with back in '99 STILL represents me today! If you're in OH-1, please vote @KateForCongress.)
In college I joined Amnesty International. We wrote weekly letters on behalf of political prisoners. As club postmaster for years, I personally mailed hundreds of letters from a lovely old on-campus post office at the University of Dayton. #MyBestUSPSMail https://twitter.com/finestmuffins/status/1294771410741735425
Fun fact #2: each @amnestyusa region had an adopted prisoner of conscience they write for regularly. Ours was a Syrian man named Mamun al-Humsi, so there was a good while there I had Bashar al-Assad's mailing address memorized.
I still have boxes full of old cards, letters, and postcards I've saved over the years. Maybe my favorites are from my maternal grandma. She used to send me the longest, chattiest, loveliest letters. Also sometimes... oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. 🍪 #MyBestUSPSMail
👉I once left my purse on a Greyhound bus in New York. Weeks later, my wallet arrived in my mailbox in Cincinnati.

👉I've mailed hundreds of illustration promo postcards to art directors.

👉Since 2018, I've sent countless postcards w/ #PostcardsToVoters & letters w/ @votefwd.
As a non-driver, I ordered stuff online all the time even before the pandemic, but ESPECIALLY now, including from treasured local businesses like @downboundbooks, @bluemanatee, @MaverickChoco, @coffee_emporium.

And I've already ordered my absentee ballot for November, because the Ohio Board of Elections is asking people to get their requests in early so they're not overwhelmed in the fall. (And I got to have fun with stamps when I sent it 👇) https://twitter.com/finestmuffins/status/1283206400844472321
If you haven't yet, please take action. Here's a great thread of concrete steps we can all take to demand our leaders #SavetheUSPS. Also, buy stamps + send letters + support @VoteFromHome20 + thank a postal worker. THE END. https://twitter.com/Celeste_pewter/status/1294467362662412288
You can follow @finestmuffins.
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