The Mill*enial Mill*y breakdown continues...

Thread 2 of 3 starts HERE👍

We left off with a brief overview of what all assets deployed means. Means Social Media, the net, and the news all being used against you driven by massive data stealing info being done by Brennan & Jones
A quick look around their website makes it pretty clear they are spooks who influence policy in other countries based on what's going on in the world...

Funny, tho, they have a lot of ties to social media, energy, & Intel contractors too, tho 🕵️🤔

Like FB
Like GSI
It alll ties to Ukraine too
Server locations
Money laundering
Election riggin
A Mass*a*cre'll see...
Now let that sink in.

Our rouge shadow govt of John Brennan + Gen Jones, thru their control of intelligence contractors AND their blackmail influence over gov & state dept shills, RAN OPS against Ukraine while everyone lines up at the money trough & gets jobs, contracts, USA $$
Again...thats YOUR TAX DOLLARS funding the tech, salaries, ops, support activities, aid package, crooked election contractors & NABU, All Of It, frens n neighbors.

Take a breath
Don't throw your phone yet

There's MORE...
Go get a soda & popcorn & strap in, here we really go...
Yeah you heard that right.

To step around the over data collection issue & not trigger an NSA investigation into FISA and more?

Obummer exec orders that HE can now appoint the NSA IG position.

Enter Storch the Torch...

No more plausible deniability Either

KaBQOM, babay💥😈
Obama can't deny anything anymore because he positioned all these people in Atlantic council and Ukraine. State dept was a SWAMP. New NSA IG can run interference, and all the while knowing about Brennan's & Jones activities cuz he got the $ for Ukraine aid, Scytl, all of it. Bam!
And how the hell does Storch get past the doorway?
Nobody vets this guy?

POTUS was surrounded by traitors
Who then all accused him of being one
Who were tied to dirty State dept and Ukraine ops - &

Who freaked when he asked for the servers!
Tore sees all kinds of information thru the shadow net servers, on Schiffffty, Fein Stein staff, and remarks to look at her old articles on Hurricane electric, find the bits on the servers, seed them with a KEI STONE

Go dig
See what you find
She's giving hints how to verify!👍
The lefties and RINO puppets only find out how screwed they really are when they don't fall in lock step with the party line, too. Intimidation tactics for politics.

Think of Feinstien and Murkowski dust up.

Who's in charge in that body language?
Not murko that's for sure!
Every bit & byte of data on people is accessed and used by the shadow govt to impact potential jurors and votes thru FB/Cambridge Analytical, too.
Brittany Kaiser of Cambridge blew the whistle on THAT.
Timed w/"hacks" of DNC + RNC?
Russia blamed?

"C'Mon, Man!"
Brittany Kaiser's Whistleblow is another COVER. Another useful idiot to distract and back up this Russia narrative and distract from the info gathering during the peach mints part of the movie 🤔 all while that 72 hour data rule being gone around by Obama IG NSA appointment
And let's not forget the Manafort Stone Mueller Connections
The shadow net folks try to trap Trump using PsyGroup too. He turned it down. Stone left campaign so there was no appearance that Trump used this tech. So when that fails, in comes Manafort & Rick Gates, thrown under bus
Mueller Report and NYTimes even said POTUS turned down using this technology and these dirty info contractors.
No wonder they hate him
Stone was loyal and got screwed too...

These people will stop at nothing to keep power, I swear...🤯
And while they're trying to frame DJT they are still pushing Hillary, ber all the fake polls?😂
The big push for Hillary
The polls saying she's already won
Shooting pics from hi angle to make it look like more people liked her
All an IIA op
And Obama thinks he's so in charge he slaps Jones across the face with Sec of State job. WTH

These people are nuts!
Wrong guy to P.O.!
Tore talks to Rodger Stone and explains how they ignored that she had server mirror copies, but then she gets Subpeona'd by Obummer lawyer re the DNC server / Seth Rich.
Tells em pound sand.
Mueller KNEW both she n Patrick had server info.
But Ignored them.
$40 mil that cost
And- let's talk about that contract to one of the big 4 Jones/Brennan companies - and Mueller team, Who appears to have outsourced shredding to CGI, one of the big Shadow Net companies??

-- inviting possible info leaks,

And, again - paid with your tax dollars?
Alright... now that you understand what we're up against?
Time to stop this thread here and move on to the wrap up and implications thread.

Next thread will be 3 of 3 and we'll kick off with what REALLY happened with Seth Rich and Shawn Lucas, Crowdstrike, and implications...
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