Thank you, Twitter, for reminding me how cranky and angry you are!
Jeeze it’s been awhile since I experienced that version of you!
I was getting worried!
And do you want to know WHY my Twitter wasn’t cranky and angry for so long? Because I blocked a bunch of the people on here who I follow due to their pretty consistent complaining. I unblocked them recently.
And look I’m not saying you can’t complain about the world. It’s pretty crazy out there! There’s a lot to be pissed off about! But if it’s all I see from you, I might block you for awhile because I have enough negativity in my life.
You’re allowed to be cranky on here. I certainly am from time to time. But I might mute your shit if you are. I bet I’ve been muted for some of my long-ass rants. I do really love a good thread...
You can follow @AdamAJTupper.
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