Consistent messages from education &health stakeholders/experts: School re-opening needs to be slowed down, re-thought, sufficiently funded. @OPCouncil @OPSBA @CatholicEdu @OISEUofT @PeopleforEd @OSTAAECO @TOPublicHealth @GovCanHealth 1/8 See thread
OPSBA: frustrated and concerned by government’s announcement regarding use of school boards’ reserve funds; difficult for boards to put additional funding [for HVAC] to use for first day of school; gov approach taken without advanced discussion with OPSBA or school boards. 2/8
Ontario Principals’ Council: all classes limited to ensure minimum of 2 metres of physical distancing; all Kindergarten classes capped at 15 students; start of 2020 school year delayed until Sept 14; students staggered back Sept 14-18. ON ed stakeholders recommendations 3/8
OCSTA: deeply concerned, disappointed with government’s announcement re use of School Board reserves [for] increased costs [of] re-opening of schools; regret unprecedented decision made without communication or collaboration of OCSTA, other Provincial Ed Associations 4/8
ON student trustees: The reliance on reserve funds…will reinforce inequities within our education system; crucial to prioritize student safety throughout the province… imperative that the government provides adequate funding to school boards to protect Ontario’s students. 5/8
Education experts (OISE, Ryerson, People for Education): phase in re-opening, no compelling reason for having every student return on the very first day; smaller class sizes will allow physical distancing; school day could be shortened to have students attending in shifts. 6/8
Toronto Public Health: number of students in the classroom should be smaller than the usual class size; Keeping as much as 2 metres apart is still strongly recommended by public health. 7/8
Public Health Agency of Canada: when / where possible, establish a 2 metre distance between children/youth, staff and volunteers, including when cohorted together; increase desk distance between children/youth; Ensure that the ventilation system operates properly.8/8
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