I heard @iamcardib #WAP today. First impressions from a gynecologist who studies female sexual function:

(1) Delighted that #Kegel is used in a medically sound manner

(2) Sorry, @Eminem, I have loved Lose Yourself for a very long time, but
(3) This song as the anthem for a 2020 #Lysistrata might work better to get out the vote than the one thousand postcards I am writing to people in Texas who may have been purged from voter registration lists (but I will still write the postcards and you should too) @RovVote
(4) I admit to dreamy visions of a #COVID safe #WAP #flashmob that travels from suburb to city (+ White House) to rural USA, joining people with #WAPs + those who love us in solidarity. Wearing masks. 6 ft distance. Combined with get out the vote messaging, of course.
(7) Fortunately my kids are not on Twitter because they would be really annoyed by this (at best).

(8) I did not clear this with my husband who does occasionally follow me on Twitter. Sorry sweety.

(9) My 100 year old grandma @dorothytessler does regularly follow me
(10) Menopausal people would probably agree that we should have appreciated our #WAP more when we had one. So if you have one, treat it well. Don't put soap in it. Or douche. See someone trained in gynecology if you think you have a problem. https://womanlab.org/less-is-more-how-to-clean-down-there/
(11) No matter how sweet a #WAP it will not give you #diabetes. Too many Big Gulps will though. And poorly controlled diabetes is associated with erectile dysfunction and may cause difficulty with arousal and orgasm in women.
(12) I've been down the rabbit hole on the fascinating and controversial etymology of "punani" and I recommend you go there too.
(13) Back to the flash mob, I'm just not saying the "n" word.
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