
I have left space for more additions.
To those wondering why I'm now including the Mueller Special Counsel Office as part of Durham's criminal probe of the RussiaGate Hoax.

I'm doing that because it's been evident for some time now due to the documentary evidence that's been declassified that...
...the Mueller Special Counsel's office entered into a criminal conspiracy with the FBI officials running Crossfire Hurricane.

Remember: all the **documents** that US Attorney Jeff Jensen found inside the DC US Attorney's office & declassified & gave to @SidneyPowell1...
...were found bearing the **official stamp** of the Mueller Special Counsel's Office.

That means the Mueller Special Counsel's Office was aware the FBI was hiding exculpatory evidence in the Flynn case and on other matters. And they were perfectly OK with going along with it.
That's called 'criminal conspiracy' for those of you in Rio Linda.

Mueller's prosecutors had & read & understood **the exact same documents** that Jensen gave to the Flynn defense team starting on April 24.

Why do you think the VERY SAME DAY that first batch of documents Jensen found in the office the Mueller Special Counsel was working in, the DC US Attorney's Office were unsealed, THIS guy immediately **resigned from the Flynn case** and dropped out of sight?
Brandon Van Grack, the lead Mueller team prosecutor on the Flynn case, the moment he realized what US Attorney Jeff Jensen had found and was now being unsealed for the whole world to see, he couldn't resign and GET OUT OF THERE fast enough.
So it's been obvious to me for awhile now that the most of the Mueller Special Counsel team, if not all of them, are in deep seriously trouble.

Instead of blowing the whistle on the FBI's corruption when they got those documents showing Flynn had been framed, they went along.
From the earliest days it began working in conjunction with the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane team in May/June/July of 2017, the Mueller prosecutors could read the same story those exculpatory documents told.

They **knew** this was an entrapment scheme based on political targeting.
And they participated in it.

By the time the Mueller SC moved to threaten to indict Flynn & began trying to force him to accept a plea deal in Nov/Dec of 2017, they knew **exactly** what they were doing.

They **knew** this was political targeting.
Now we know due to recent declassifications that Crossfire Hurricane actually started as a criminal **FARA** investigation trying to prove Flynn was doing illegal lobbying for foreign powers without having registered as a foreign agent.

They looked for months & found NOTHING.
So sometime in the Fall of 2016, the criminal FARA investigation trying to nail Flynn as an illegal foreign lobbyist morphed into a counterintelligence investigation targeting him as a suspected Russian asset.

Let me put this into clear terms in the next tweet.
After they couldn't nail Flynn on being an illegal lobbyist the cabal moved on to trying to prove he was a compromised Russian asset.

And even THEN, with the broader scope allowed by counter intel investigations, they didn't find anything.
Early January 2017, FBI case agent is closing the Flynn case, after months of a dual search for any evidence supporting FARA/spy allegations & finding nothing.

Strzok stepped in to stop the closing of the case until the January meeting in the White House could happen.
And that's when the real fun began with it being decided at the White House meeting to keep investigating Flynn based on the absurd allegation that he'd violated the Logan Act in his phone calls with Kislyak.

That led directly to the leak to the Washington Post on Jan. 11.
And the WaPo leak led directly to two weeks of mounting hysteria in the media which you'll recall was already in a "Trump team compromised by the Russians!" frenzy due to the publication of the Steele Dossier by Buzzfeed on Jan. 10.
Which led directly to Flynn being set up for an FBI interview by Andrew McCabe, who sends these two guys to quiz the General about the phone calls for which the FBI already possesses the transcripts.
There was no Logan Act violation and these FBI goons knew that even before they engineered this interview.

This was all about creating a false statement trap, as Bill Priestap's notes clearly demonstrated when they were unsealed back on May 7.
So this whole SpyGate thing was launched by fraud and fraud was the only way it kept being advanced, all the way through to the bitter, bitter end of the Mueller Special Counsel.

How desperate were the FBI officials involved to keep the hoax going?

See my next tweet!
Remember, in February of 2018, when Graham claims Priestap gave his committee this briefing where he lied about Steele's main dossier [and Carter Page warrant] source standing by the allegations that Page was a Russian agent, the FBI had known since Jan. 2017 this wasn't true.
BUT THE MUELLER INVESTIGATION HAD LAUNCHED, and all the SpyGate plotters eggs were stuck in that basket...and so....they had to do whatever it took to **pretend** the RussiaGate had actually had an **intelligence predicate**.

So Priestap lied to Graham & the other Senators.
. @DevinNunes said from the beginning he did not believe this RussiaGate hoax had a real intelligence predicate.

And it turns out he was right.

It started as FARA investigations into Trump associates like Flynn trying to find evidence they were doing illegal lobbying.
Only when no evidence ever turned up that any of these Trump people were doing illegal lobbying did the plotters segue the hoax into claiming it was now based on **GOOD SOLID EVIDENCE** that several Trump associates were evil RUSSIAN AGENTS working for Putin.

I have just been informed by a reliable person that the picture I thought was FBI case agent Stephen Somma is in fact Daniel Chaitin, who is the breaking news editor for the DC Examiner.

Google done steered me wrong!
I'll leave this thread up because the meme with the misidentified picture contained in it is in the very first post, but will remove Daniel's pic from all future versions.

Apologies to Mr. Chaitin for the mixup.
So what appears to have happened here is that when their excuse for targeting/investigating Trump associates for being illegal foreign lobbyists came up empty, they moved on to making it a counterintelligence probe to get a spy warrant on the Trump campaign.
And they picked THIS GUY to be their patsy "Russian Agent" for the surveillance warrant, about whom they supposedly had lots of GOOD SOLID VERIFIED INTELLIGENCE from the master spy himself, Christopher Steele, via his super-connected Kremlin source!
The standard for a spy warrant to spy on a US citizen is supposed to be extremely high.

And yet...these FBI/DOJ/CIA/St. Dept./White House plotters managed to use a fake dossier supplied by a fraud who's own alleged source disavowed everything to spy on Page & the Trump campaign.
In my new column at Epoch, I discuss how all the hype about Steele back in January 2016 when the dossier was published now appears COMICAL.

He was presented as intrepid "James Bond" former spy, highly credentialed, super competent, much in demand, etc. etc.
In fact, far from doing super-duper-intrepid spy research stuff to find the evidence that Trump & his associates were agents of the Kremlin, what Steele was doing was engineering getting himself paid big money to grab names off anonymous blog posts & babble nonsense.
"I simply must tell you about how the Russian consulate in Miami is being utilized as a conduit for the payments for Russian influence operations inside of America.

And by the way, I recently had a highly placed source confirm Gubarev is involved in the Russian hacking!"
In fact we know know that there **is no Russian consulate in Miami**, something that Mr. James Bond 2.0 would've known if he'd bother to do a simple Google search before babbling this nonsense to Kathleen Kavalec at the St. Dept.
And we also know that Steele's "highly placed source" for the claim that Russian entrepreneur Aleksej Gubarev was involved in paying off the Russian hackers that supposedly stole the Podesta/DNC emails was actually...

...an anonymously authored blog post on iReports.
It's all coming out.

Clinesmith is just the beginning.

Because remember: these people were stupid and they still are.

You can help support me continuing to do full time writing and researching on the SpyGate, UkraineGate, and the forthcoming Uranium One scandals by making a small donation here.

:) https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/drawandstrike

Yup. These people were stupid.

Clinesmith is going to go to prison for doctoring an email that was redundant. https://twitter.com/Techno_Fog/status/1294319899351887873?s=20
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