I’m Calvinist.
You don’t have to be.
I don’t cover my head.
I will celebrate you covering yours.
I’m credobaptist.
I will rejoice with you as you baptized your children.

Do I truly believe my doctrines are true and want for you to as well?


Do I need you to?

No. 1/
Doctrine matters.
Doctrine doesn’t matter.
Both of these are true. It’s dependent on context.

We as the church catholic could afford to discern this, especially in the online sphere where the world is watching.

Instead of fighting in the public square, imagine worshiping in it.
.... and if you want, take it to the DMs. ;)
I think the biggest thing contributing to this way of thinking for me was testing my own doctrines and realizing that church history and even the original text itself allows for cases to be made for seemingly opposing sides of secondary issues.
Yes, your case is obviously stronger and has more support, yada yada. Guess what, they say the same thing about theirs.

At first, it made me super uncomfortable and scared. Am I believing in a God of my own design and narrative based on what I like more in scripture?
I’ve come to be at peace with it. God transcends our interpretation of an issue and can be glorified in either side.

I jokingly said once, “I live as a Calvinist and evangelize like an Arminian.” I know I could submit to a paedobaptist husband.

Guys, Christ offers such freedom.
Freedom to serve your brother in his conviction while worshiping God through yours. The primary issues *must* be in place. The secondary allow the infinite God to display His infinite means of being glorified.

Some will say this sounds like worldly tolerance. Nah.
We can still debate and win over with sound argument. But it puts things in its place - the gospel and making disciples takes precedence, and the rest doesn’t have to consume us.

Soli Deo Gloria, what a gift the gospel is!
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