a few important questions (ref: Fluid and imperfect ally positioning)
• What multiple ally positions do I hold?
• What multiple ally positions have I not
taken? Why?
• What is required of me in terms of being
an ally in this context? (1/n)
• How will I get my locations of oppression
out of the centre in order to be an ally?
• What expectations of me and other allies
are held by transgender, two-spirit and
queer people?
• What practices of accountability
will I enact? (2/n)
• How can I engage with
accountability instead of guilt?
• How can I plan to deal with the
discomfort and possible pain that comes
from being in this ally position?
• How will I know when I am being an
accountable ally? (3/n)
• How will I be open to knowing when I
am not being in line with my ethics and
intentions of being an ally?
• What diff erences has being an ally made
in my life? My work? (4/n)
Consider the fluid ways u have
experienced the solidarity of having allies,
and the differences having allies has made
in your life:
• Who have been my allies in spaces where
I am oppressed or subject to structural
• What differences have allies made in my
life? (5/5)
You can follow @Shubha_a.
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