Thread – The Selection of Kamala Harris

1. Time for everyone to take off the rose-colored glasses. Kamala Harris completes the #Dementiacrat Manchurian candidate ticket. Can there be any doubt about overt ChiCom influence in the US political class?
2. Let’s go through some examples of ChiCom corruption of US politics. The father of #Dementiacrat-ChiCom corruption could be Bill Clinton. The Chinese own the Clintons! There were all kinds of Chinese cash donations to them in the 1990s.
3. Start with the Chinagate: “The scandal was an apparent scheme by the Clinton administration to sell seats on taxpayer-funded trade missions in exchange for campaign contributions to the 1996 Clinton-Gore campaign.”
4. Even leftist-oriented Wikipedia has the gory details on Chinese meddling ($$) in the 1996 election through campaign finance “irregularities” on behalf of Bill Clinton:
5. Here’s the Wikipedia short list of illegal campaign contributions:

Charlie Trie: $450K to Clinton legal defense fund

Johnny Chung: $300K to the DNC

John Huang: $3.4 million to the Democrat Party; 78 visits to the White House; worked in Commerce Dept with classified access
5A. James Riady: $1 million to Clinton’s first campaign (later convicted)

Maria Hsia: long-time fund-raiser for Algore of Buddhist temple fame ($100K)

And others, including Lincoln Bedroom “sales”
12. Here is how DLA Piper advertises their own “China expertise” on their website:
12A. We are one of the largest and longest standing International law firms operating in China, with over 26 years of experience on-the-ground.
12B. We have led on a number of strategically important matters during this time, both inbound, for a number of Fortune 500 multinational companies; & outbound, working with our global colleagues to assist Chinese co's in the execution of their ambitious global growth strategies.
12C. Our core China Investment Services team is comprised of 21 partners, supported by over 120 lawyers operating as one seamless team from across Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong.
14. The Chinese couldn’t possibly have been buying political influence with Dementia Joe, could they? He is thoroughly compromised by the ChiComs!
15. There are NO coincidences in politics. The pattern of ChiCom corruption is clear. The ChiComs now have hooks into BOTH of the #Dementiacrat candidates at the top of their ticket this year! They want to rid themselves of the impediment posed by @realDonaldTrump.
16. The die is cast. The plan is clearly now in place. The subversives who have bought out the former Democratic Party have made it clear. They control these bought and sold corrupt puppet politicians.
17. What a monumental affront to our founding principles and the legacy left to us. There is a welling up and a deep stirring in the land because the corruption is so blatant that even those who usually pay scant attention to politics can see it for themselves!
18. These low life morally bankrupt parasites will not succeed in stealing our government. True Americans will once again eagerly offer up their lives and treasure to defeat this sinister plot.
19. The globalists are using the ChiComs as an instrument to achieve their perverted dream of over-throwing the most prosperous land of opportunity the World has ever seen. We will not yield. Not going to happen!
20. The #Dementiacrats and their two Manchurian candidates are going to be destroyed at the polls on 3 November. It’s up to us to make that prediction a reality! ///The end.
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