This is a lie- you can see who is on the NEC on the 'my SNP' bit of the SNP website as a party member, and by what mandate they are on it.
one would have thought someone with such in-depth "analysis" of scottish politics and on-the-ground "knowledge" would be aware of this, but i guess if you spend your time quaffing pints of semi-skimmed in somerset pubs it would be difficult to know how the NEC of the SNP works
meanwhile he has a link to a quote from a Kevin Alfred Strom at the bottom of this blog. who might that be, you ask?
yes, that's right - Wings Over Scotland quoted a nazi paedophile on his (incorrect) blog about the SNP's NEC
wonder why Wings didn't include these aspects of Kevin Strom's character
he has now removed the quote from Kevin Alfred Strom
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