1/5 From #Belarus, #HongKong, to #Thailand - the masses have been thrust to the forefront of a global struggle against the surging offence on our values of freedom and liberty.
2/5 One viral photo after another, we hail young protestors as fearless agents of change. We applaud, reshare, retweet. But this characterisation cannot be further from the truth.
3/5 Contexts are different, but the scenes have started to blend together. Of being brutally beaten up, jailed, raped in detention, murdered, or of a criminal record that strips away all future opportunities. The young aren't fearless, they are terrified.
4/5 But their governments have left them with no choice. When the freedom to dream and to be treated with dignity is curtailed, even breathing can be a crime.
5/5 This is our collective battle, for our values, for a world we want to live in. They are simply standing on the frontlines. We must lend each other solidarity. We must not look away. The free world must never leave them stranded.
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