Every media outlet that trustwashed Wikileaks and Snowden to the world simply needs to admit:

"We got hustled. Wikileaks was Russian intelligence. We're sorry."
Every journalistic outlet that the public trusted had a *fiduciary responsibility* of due diligence. For those that failed (all of them), now they need to admit they unwittingly helped the Wikileaks/Manning/Snowden fraud, resulting in massive damage to American democracy.
The US MSM was warned - in 2010 on up - about Wikileaks as a fraudulent influence operation. Intelligence professionals *told the media* in 2013 not to fall for it. In 2016, media was warned again and instead they chose *to promote Russian intelligence* instead of experts.
Even AFTER the Trump election, professionals still warned the US MSM - an institution on which voters rely - not to treat Wikileaks as journalism.

Even after multiple Assange indictments, still no apologies, retractions. They doubled down. https://twitter.com/ericgarland/status/808048287702011904
Now, the world knows that Wikileaks was Russian intelligence - right down to the unit of the Russian military unit.

So now would be the last chance for media to apologize for distributing all those "emails obtained by Wikileaks" stories. https://www.justice.gov/storage/report.pdf
You can follow @ericgarland.
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