I have to say a thing: there are situtations that you will see in life and you know it’s bad & requires your immediate attention. Like if I see a bad accident on the road- if I can’t stop I at least call 911 -because it’s COMMON SENSE- when DeJoy started tanking machines...👇
When DeJoy started removing machines- and our side in the legislature saw it- that’s a 911 moment. Why the hell do we have to scream like pissed off children at a Howdy Doodie Show to get them to at least call 911 for us if not stop and offer assistance?
I’ve been pissed off for a couple years now/ continuously - I don’t sleep, not eating well, Job ain’t coming back- but I have to set my self on fire to get anyone in the legislature to take immediate concrete action when our nation is being robbed and rolled right now
Why is that? Becaus this isn’t normal legislative stuff going on. Not one normal thing. We fund raise for them, stump for them, show our support and determination by protesting even when the situation is DANGEROUS- but we have to jump thru our own asses to get them to help
This isn’t about a want or even a desire. This is about having the basic tools to keep our nation solvent, to keep our economy running, communications open- this is basic infrastructure shit - and it’s being sabotaged from w/in-In a way the whole world can see/ headline shit
Seriously I’m not interested in if a legislators “hands are tied” save that defeatist shit for someone who will fall for it. If you can’t help then find someone who can assist you- this is life or death now. Help us help ourselves even if you have to go on bended knee for it
You can’t do it thru the legislature - fine- help us find the avenue of engagement- & before you criticize us for not being in the political weeds- keep in mind that we all specialized in other professions-we won’t know all the ins & outs of your job - so put your thinking cap on
When my side fails to respond to an obvious threat that poses a clear and present danger to our entire nation- when they drag their feet- it doesn’t just piss me off- I question why I’m exposing myself for someone who says they are an ally but are acting like anything but
We in some places have to face violence in the streets- the threats from militias & White Nationalist Groups- civilians being threatened on the ground - as more of our legit govt is whittled away- the risk we take on the ground gets more physically dangerous - this isn’t a game
So I’m not going to pull my punches. I’m not going to save my criticism- b/c there will be a winner & there will be a loser at the end of all this- & the losing side is going to lose big- will it be grumbling Magats losing hope for a theocracy? Or will it be us dodging goonsquads
Because Senators- Congressmen- those are my friends and neighbors out there- that’s MY FAMILY out there- if you know what needs to happen even if it’s not your job- doesn’t fall under legislative powers- it won’t hurt you to help us make it happen. Lead follow or get out the way
Now I’m going to make coffee- and meditate so maybe today I don’t rip anyone’s head off - because I’ve been made to feel helpless and abandoned while the enemy is literally tearing down our gates.
What I’m saying is- that DeJoy should have never been allowed to remove machines. Yea I expect my legislature (esp now) to anticipate these things and head them off at the pass. I EXPECT THE SAME OF THEM AS I DO MYSELF. We shouldn’t be this far behind the 8 ball
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