Progressives, since @denisebatters such an advocate of feminism, lets remind her of cpc 'feminism'. I'll start. Remember when Mackay appointed Robin Camp to fed judge over cdn, alb born female lawyers on advice of Rona and Kenney cause he was good party supporter. #cdnpoli
Or when laureen harper chose cats over missing & murdered indigenous women? #cdnpoli @denisebatters
Remember when Rempel used Yazidis sex assault victims to attack trudeau govt, then a abandoning them when truth came out delays to helping were due to Harper policies she rabidly supported? Again using Chen girl to promote racist immigration policy #cdnpoli her media pals silent
I like it when Cdn feminist MP goes on Tucker Carlson to bemoan cdn progressive policies, ol tucker such a supporter of women, useful when pushing islamaphobia and covering up her govt unconstitutional behaviour
So progressives, be smarter when attacking cpc 'feminists' cause even Eva Braun and ivanka trump look good in a dress, clothes do not make the woman. #cdnpoli
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