1] #ZanuPF has always been dangerous...

now it is reckless!

actually, the party is now dangerously reckless.

this scorched-earth policy of attacking everything and anyone who says things they do not wish to hear is as unfortunate as it is sickening.

2] The role of the church has never been to be an extension of any political party.

The church is the moral compass of a community.

Politicians go to church...The church doesn't come to politicians.

this distinction should be respected & preserved.

3] It is in this regard that the unwarranted attacks on the #ZimbabweCatholicBishopsConference, primarily the tribal singling out of Archbishop Ndlovhu should be condemned in no uncertain terms.

That vintage Mutsvangwa style of eloquent stupidity stinks.

4] ZanuPf cannot be allowed to turn non-Ndebeles against Ndebeles, non-Catholics against Catholics.

The historic & apolitical role of the Catholic Church which even pre-exists ZanuPF itself, can never be wished away nor diluted by shallow ramblings!

5] In fact, not so along ago, the Harare regime received a "letter of blessing" from the same Catholic Church whose Leadership they now accuse of planning Rwanda-like-genocide.

How,when & why did the Catholic Bishops suddenly become enemies of the State?

6] You can't shoot at everything that moves & expect respect.

Some Mugwadi character recently accused @peterndoro, of not giving Zanu "equal air play" on @SABCNews

Chinamasa attacked the @MYANC.

SB Moyo attacked @AUC_MoussaFaki

This is shameless.

7] How does it happen that journalists, nurses, lawyers, the Opposition, Catholics, SAns, AUC, Americans, Europeans, are all conniving against you?

How do you run a country by turning everyone who reprimands you into an enemy?

Who's your friend then?

8] Wouldn't be witnessing all this,if there wasn't a crisis

ZanuPF can't continue hiding in plain sight with such reckless abandon

This is time 4 sober introspection & reflection

There is no wisdom in winning a war that could have been avoided


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