The discourse on who gets to be black is understandable for sure but god damn does if it doesn’t make my life experience confusing as fuck
I also feel like that while people who are like skinned obviously get treated better than people who are dark skinned, there isn’t much of a difference, for me @ least between claiming I’m mixed vs claiming im black cuz ppl still are racist af to me.
Like as soon as I disclose the race of my mother it doesn’t matter like, I’m black to that person & they are going to treat me as such. I’ve watched it happen. Again like, my experience isn’t nearly as traumatic as others but the current conversation I’m seeing issssss... 😬
& then I wonder about ppl who are lighter than I am with 2 black parents & how they are supposed to fit into this discussion. Are they now not black? Doesn’t seem right to me. Like race and the perception of race is rly complicated. It’s beyond who looks black vs who doesn’t
Like cuz I’ve literally seen ppl who r lighter than me get treated like shit b/c someone realized they were black. sooooo 🤷🏽‍♀️
Also if I go around saying I’m mixed instead of black my mom will actually slap the shit out of me so 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
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