We need a public test for Low Information Voters, so they know who they are. Seriously. The test would look for gaps in their news knowledge, for example. . .
1. Do you believe the President colluded with Russia?

2. Do you believe members of the FBI and the media worked together to overthrow the legally elected government of the United States?

3. Do you believe the Fine People Hoax?

continued. . .
4. Do you believe science has proven HCQ is ineffective for treating coronavirus and is in fact dangerous?

5. Do you believe we already know which world leaders did a good job versus a bad job on coronavirus management?

6. Do you believe China is more of a threat or a partner?
Add your own questions below, but avoid any opinion questions. Stick with reported, known facts only. Let's see what you got.
You can follow @ScottAdamsSays.
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