While I agree on Trump being a psychopath, and I agree he lacks empathy, I don’t agree with this generalization of psychopaths.

There is a lot the textbooks and experts get wrong. I know this, cause I was raised by a notorious one. 1/ https://twitter.com/lincolnsbible/status/1294946308898213890
Till I’m blue in the face and dead. I will argue my father was capable of a wide range of emotions, including love and empathy.

Why are we not catching guys like my dad and GSK quicker? 2/
One reason, they hide right next to us. They blend well, function higher then we thought, and can stop, they have gaps.

Another key reason, they have the ability to express and feel a wide range of normal human emotion. 3/
People can’t swallow that a murderer of children can love. So they dismiss it, narrowly placing someone like my father into 1 category.

When they do this, they miss the true MO. Skipping over suspects. Dad was never looked at once in 31 years, until a week before his arrest 4/
One of my goals is to change this dialogue. Expand what we know about these guys - Dad and Trump, who are quite similar as I warned 4 years ago. But no one listened to me. /end
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