I will try to explain how I already knew this, but one of you might be able to put it into words better than I can. First, if you haven't seen it- watch the video. https://twitter.com/GTIATJohn316/status/1294708708312788994
2) I studied psychology, sociology and marketing. I also researched the psychological warfare projects of gov/CIA/FBI/etc.
Psychology and sociology are used to learn how to profile people, to market (sell) products and ideas to... regardless of whether you are a business or a gov
3) I also observed the sprawl of business. As an indie, I quickly learned that everything was connected/rigged. Yes, you can be an entrepreneur, but all channels of distribution are controlled at the top levels. You can only get in (stay in) if they let you. This control goes-
4) from the highest high (tippity top), to the lowest low in every industry. For example, if you want to sell a book, the control starts at the very bottom, making of the book. Which company do you choose to print your file? Well, if the book isn't made a certain way, it will
5) be rejected by some booksellers/markets, so choose carefully. Some printers don't offer the features you'd need to be competitive in the market. So your choices aren't as big as you'd thought. For your book to look truly at the same level as the top selling books, you'd pay $$
6) So the first barrier you'd have is money. Cheaply produced books won't have the same market value. Every step of the way, going forward, there are various steps and channels that require money- and eventually insiders. The book industry is easily controlled.
So, now apply that
7) to every area of modern day living. There are ways to control the channels of distribution. To go back to book publishing- the top book publishers put out a list of what they want authors to write. You should write about those things. As you can imagine, the list looks like
8) social justice propaganda. So, control what authors write. In this way, they have "burned books" BEFORE THEY ARE WRITTEN, as the ideas that writers may have had never see the light of day.
I refused but many authors have no problem writing what they want, for chance to succeed
9) This is how gov works as well. Marketing- using psychology to understand various groups (we are all just target groups, not human begins) and sell ideas to them. But they take it further by manipulating the target groups to get them to do things that they wouldn't have done.
10) In the example I gave of the book publishing industry, the choice for me to write the propaganda books they wanted was voluntary because I was a very low level nobody on the chain. I only knew of the list of "publishing needs" because I'd made it to a level where I joined a
11) couple of author/publishing groups that cost about $100 each to join, which is a lot of money to an indie, and a small barrier. That gave me access to insider info, but not much. I observed that as people got higher up in those organizations, they were given more visibility,
12) and were chosen to be speakers on author tours, selected to write blog articles, etc. I was on my way. I had written a few blog articles (was flattered to have been asked, and the topics were subjects I was comfortable writing about, just professional stuff). Anyway, I saw
13) that a few people ahead of me had gotten into the organizations further and were now becoming celebrities of sorts. The newbies saw them as the faces of the org, and wanted to kiss up to them. The natural progression was that these insiders sold many copies of their books,
14) about writing and marketing/selling books. NOT the books that they had originally wanted to sell when they joined the group. Their original books didn't sell many copies compared to their books on how to make a lot of money selling books. They did not make a lot of $ until
15) AFTER their book on how to sell books made a lot of $. And they wouldn't have been able to get those books to take off if they hadn't had a large number of underlings in an org who saw them as "experts". They were only experts because they had risen in the ranks of the org.
16) Rigged. And the thing is, a lot of those people didn't see it that way at all. I saw it as kind of like a pyramid scheme. Those who make it to the top receive all the desperation dollars of those at the bottom. All about recruitment. If the org becomes huge, $$$ supports it.
17) Then, the org grows. They start doing their own events, and who's the top speakers? Why the top dogs from the org of course. Who pays for the events? The ones who wish they were the top dogs- but now it's too late to get in. It's very unlikely at this stage. Closed party.
18) In this way, the government has $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ beyond what we can even imagine. They can pay incredibly smart people to study the target groups and manipulate them into doing whatever they want.
The underlings likely have no idea about any of it
19) If you've been following me, you know I'm an artist. You've asked if I sketch my work first. No.
I often spend about 6 hours on a painting (2 hours each day, needing 3 days so layers can set between sessions). I see the whole picture before I start. Often start in the center.
20) My brain sees whole picture at once. Blobs of paint connect to create what I see. Sometimes I don't quite manage to pull off what I expected, but usually I complete project as I saw it in my head. Either way, project succeeds even if I don't personally like it (meets goals).
21) In this same way, I knew that our world is a scam. Rigged. I can see that social media coordinates with what gov wants, and that gov is a sprawl that has infiltrated every aspect of our lives. Many of you also knew this. This is the part that is hard to describe how we knew-
22) but I'll compare it to painting. Sometimes there is a flaw on the canvas- a small bump. I have to work around that. It's distracting from the project so I can't put anything important on that flawed spot on the canvas, as it will be slightly warped. But overall, it blends in-
23) so from casual observation, that particular spot in the painting blends in and looks like it belongs with the rest of the canvas as a whole. Even I forget it was even there. But it WAS there. It was a manipulated spot on the canvas- not natural like the other painting spots.
24) that one little glitch from the canvas manufacturer caused me to change how I painted the art. It steered me to turn the canvas a certain way to incorporate that one little glitch into the project. It steered me to paint differently on that spot. Just one little thing...
25) Imagine how many "little things" that gov workers do to steer us to think differently, make different decisions. Most people probably see our world as the whole canvas and never notice the small flaw- the thing that stands out as not natural to the canvas. But what if there
26) are many unnatural pieces infiltrating our reality? More power hungry they became, the easier it was for people (like me, and probably you) to see that the picture wasn't real. They didn't blend in anymore. Their attempts to steer us were obvious. Not organic, but operations.
27) And now, at this point, there are counter operations. Some want us to see (parts of) the truth. I dislike being played, even if supposedly for my own good. God decides what is for my own good, not flawed fellow humans who are no better than me or you.
28) We need to demand to see all references to us that they have. We need to see our entries in Obama's database, and any ping/reference that may have crossed over into any of their operations- for good or bad. How did we pop up as data, or even as unwitting parts of operations?
29) Understanding that we are meant to be products/pawns, they don't like those of us who "steer" people to think for themselves, to value themselves, to spend their time/energy OFF THE GRID/MATRIX/CONTROL, encouraging you to create something of your own, unplugged from internet
30) Family, friends, food, dancing, art, music, sports, small business/entrepreneurship, etc. - they want all of these to be connected to the network so that they can study/monitor us and control us. They don't like it when we choose not to plug in and let them see us. So,
31) they intend for us not to be able to opt out of the spying. They also don't want the likes of me getting into your head. I've been a blacklisted person since at least 2010. Obvious when it happened just like you all notice when you're suddenly talking to yourself here on Twit
32) Everything makes sense when you think of our world and all its moving parts as a painting on a canvas. The canvas is meant to be flat and smooth, with nothing on it- completely blank. We bring to it only our own thoughts, experiences, ideas. But when the canvas already has
33) something on it- a small manipulation, we change how we create. When there are many, it becomes difficult to do what we originally, organically wanted to do. We may even forget what our plans were, as we adopt new plans to work around the warped new canvas. New normal. NWO.
34) But the success of their control depends on us never seeing it. Once we know, we are "steered" now by our own brains. We question. We know things aren't real. We decide how to respond. We decide what to think, who to follow. We know the stars THEY give us are to control us.
35) The important thing is to realize that God has created us with free will. Others may try to impose their ideas on us, whether good or bad, but no one has command of our will. The spirit is very powerful. With all of their $$$$$$$ and mindboggling armies of people, AI, etc...
36) They were unable to control us. They had to resort to scaring everyone with a virus- using a foundation of truth to sell a mountain of lies. If they could get people to mask by simply telling them to do it, they wouldn't need the virus. They had to do something drastic-
37) and needed the full force of their mammoth corrupt criminal enterprise, their people in "health", corp, tech, edu, media, etc. - all hands on deck.

And yet, they still couldn't quite pull it off.
Oh, they've hurt us badly, but...

Too many of us refuse to comply.
38) And too many are coming forward as whistleblowers world wide.
They failed.

This time.

We must fight hard so that they will never beat us.

No vaccine.

It's the hill.
39) You might remember that I told you when I was attacked by trolls, and hackers, they targeted me specifically using the death of my father to hurt me. I don't want to get into it again, but they knew that psychologically, it was a vulnerable thing for me... but they were wrong
40) My deepest pains are given to God. No man can hurt me, certainly no stranger. The words of random people are like the bite of a non-venomous snake. Hurts for a while, but won't kill me.
We are stronger than they think we are.
We are braver than they know.
We aren't products.
41) No matter how hard they try- and they have, and still are-
they can't fully know us.
God knew us before we were born.
They did not.
They want to alter our DNA.
42) We are precious in the eyes of God. We are not part of a target group, we are not products. We are individuals, whose heart is known only to Him.
It doesn't matter how much they spy on us. As long as we remain fully His, they can't know us.
We are mysterious.
43) We are loved.
Seek a joyful life- unmasked and free.

God bless you and keep you,
May His face shine upon you,
and give you peace,
this day and always.

/end thread/
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