I just finished a re-watch of Gilmore Girls and I have thoughts.
The minor characters and the quirkiness are what make the show watchable. Sookie, Luke, Emily, Mrs. Kim, and BABETTE! Town troubadours, Miss Patty’s dance recitals, etc.
The show really struggles with character consistency. Sometimes a character makes a bonkers decision that doesn’t line up with anything we know about them and you can’t suspend disbelief.
The plot failures:
-Rory melting down over Mitchum’s comments about her lack of talent and deciding to steal a yacht (?) and quit Yale. Completely unbelievable! I cannot deal with it!
-Luke ruining his relationship with Lorelai because of April. No way! He would never do that. He would have eloped with her in a second. He would have been begging her to marry him. I don’t buy it!
-Rory NOT saying yes to Logan’s proposal. Just completely unbelievable. Don’t get me wrong, Logan is AWFUL and entitled and dreadful. But Rory is constantly forgiving his awfulness so they can stay together. I think she would have said yes in a heartbeat.
You want me to believe that she would drop out of Yale bc Logan’s dad made a critical comment, forgives Logan for a million transgressions and there are perfectly good papers to work for in San Fran but suddenly having no limits for her career is more important than her awful bf?
But Rory and Lorelai really are the worst. Rory has everything handed to her and yet thinks she’s better than other entitled kids because.....🤷‍♀️ Lorelai’s inability to think about anyone but herself makes all her relationships fail.
I think her desire to have a relationship with Christopher makes sense with her character but she refuses to make any compromises to include him in her life when they get married! It’s like he’s an accessory!
And can we just talk about JASON who is the worst human?! He doesn’t have one redeeming quality!! What was she thinking?
And then there’s the Jess issue. I completely believe that Rory would choose Logan over Jess because she makes bad decisions and she does love the high life even though she won’t admit it. BUT who in her right mind would not have run away with Jess once he got his act together?
Yes, Jess has issues. But he moves past his childhood traumas (are we just gonna forgive Liz for abandoning him?!!) and builds a very cool life. He actually likes books! He’s actually an interesting person! I never can believe that Rory is some kind of intellectual. 🤷‍♀️
And can we talk about how everyone treats single mom Lorelai’s gorgeous two storey home like it’s a shack she should be ashamed of? Any millennial family would feel like royalty if they got to live in that beautiful house!
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