Belarus Freedom march is the largest gathering in Belarus history!
"Your end - Our beginning"
The problem of such regimes is that they are very clumsy. They are not flexible and can not adapt to a new situation. When a small element crumbles, everything falls apart. Nobody wants to be on loser's side.
"Fair Elections! Tribunal! Freedom to Political Prisoners" Via @tutby
Incredible photo of Minsk Hero City Obelisk.
Soviet and Independence flags are on one photo
Belarus is awakening. Unfortunately, it took so long for Belarus nation to realize its power. It's not the victory yet. But changes are in the air.
“Sasha, The Hague is waiting for you” credit: @nashaniva
Lukashenka says he had 50 thousand at the rally in his support (on the left). It's hard to believe.
Look at today’s Freedom March. Belarusian protest cannot be violent. Belarusians are non-conflict people in their culture. They do everything according to the rules and the law. It's very sad, that authorities are not like Belarusians.
People continued protesting in front of KGB and chanting: "Лукашенко - в автозак!" (Lukashenka - to police van)
Huge white-red-white flag in front of KGB. I am wondering if they are burning documents already.
Thousands continue protesting at the Independence Square. The police, even if they had such order, would not be able to stop this crowd. People say: "Thanks, Lukashenka, for uniting our nation!" Credit: @svaboda
State TV is broadcasting the show of Russian pop-star Filip Kirkorov. Not Swan lake. Not yet.
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