To be clear for the CS folks who follow me: there are "problems" we (CS researchers) simply shouldn't try to fix, either because making them computable is irresponsibly reductive, 1/
or because "solving" the problem is a discursive component in a centuries-long argument for the moral inferiority of a specific group of people. 2/
We're seeing a lot of this happening right now with (formerly-)incarcerated people, a group whose existence is predicated on a racist and imperialist system of social control. 3/
(This is of course non-exhaustive.) 4/
There is a popular myth in our field that computer science is somehow not political. This is false. Every app, algorithm, function, and declaration is a manipulation of power (both concretely and abstractly). 5/
The sooner CS (and very especially AI/ML/DS) contends with this fact: that our work is a part of a power-manipulation apparatus - one that consistently favors racist classification schemes, extractivist economies, and forced assimilation - the more """good""" we can do. 6/6
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