As someone working in a re-opened school here is what has been done to keep things safe - year groups are being sorted into bubbles and the timetable changed to facilitate this. Different year groups have break and lunch at different times.
There are no bells. Soft endings to classes means that the class teacher allows pupils to leave when the corridors are clear. There's a one-way system in operation around the school as well.
Each class has hand sanitising stations and we spray and wipe the desks at the beginning and ends of lessons. I've been provided with a visor and I have my own mask which I'll wear if I have to move around the classroom. I also have a taped off exclusion zone round my desk.
Pupils have to bring in their own equipment and take their jotters home. I cannot take anything in to mark and textbooks used have to be quarantined for 72 hours.
We no longer sit in our staff base to socialise, instead we sit in a classroom at a distance of two metres from each other. All the desks in each of our classrooms are spaced apart and pupils have assigned seats.
It's very different and we haven't yet had the whole school in as we did a phased return last week. However, all pupils are back on Monday so we'll see how it goes over the next few weeks. I enjoy being back and seeing the kids and my friends and colleagues again.
Obviously there are going to be issues with kids who don't quite get the discipline needed to keep the place safe, but that's also something we'll have to work at over the next few weeks. The majority who have been in so far absolutely get it and have been great about it.
We do need the kids back in school. It is a moral duty. Until there are better societal safety nets, schools are what we have. The statistics on abuse during lockdown are awful reading. We need to be there for our young people in the safest way we can be.
I think the majority of teachers absolutely want to be back/get back to work, they just want to ensure they are doing so safely.
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