tips for dating someone with depression (thread)
remain flexible with your plans. you may make plans one day but when that day rolls around your partner might have difficulty getting out of bed. its not their desire to break plans but their illness has made it harder for them to function. instead, try re-work the plans.
- understand that intimacy can be affected by depression.
-not everything is about depression, there could be genuine concerns about the relationship. don't be quick to dismiss them thinking that it must be a depression-related issue or concern.
-practice compassion.
- learn how to support your partner, don't try to 'fix' their illness. you can't fix depression any more than you can fix cancer. its a condition that must be managed.
-remember that your partner has an illness. as much as you might wish that wasn't the case, its not possible for them to 'snap out of it'. your partner is not engaging in this behaviour to just to be difficult.
- learn all you can about depression. there are a lot of free resources available.
- take care of yourself.
- practice effective communication.
- remind them often how much you love them. try to separate their illness from who they truly are. don't use it to define them.
- don't add to the guilt.
- separate fact from fiction. there are many myths about depression. depression isn't laziness or a sign of weakness.
- don't take their bad days personally.
-dont turn off your own needs. the fact that you're dating someone with depression doesn't mean that your needs, thoughts and problems font matter.
-dont be afraid to get involved. if your partner is comfortable with you joining them for treatment the by all means, go ahead.
end of thread:)
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