Aucademy's ethos & guiding principles: At Aucademy our fundamental aim is to educate Autistic people & non-autistic people about Autistic experience, taught by an entirely Autistic team of educators & collaborators.
Outlined below, full details on website 
Respect: We expect respect for different perspectives, but ultimately, Autistic perspectives are prioritised – in all their guises. As such, please consider the needs of Autistic people – both educators and learners – and interact accordingly. (more detail on website) 2/12
Language: While we advocate identity-1st lang., & refuse to use functioning lang., we understand that many people, Autistic & not, are at different stages in their Autistic education. Please take time to learn the importance of language, & the language of Autistic culture. 3/12
De-pathologisation: Here at Aucademy we work within the neurodiversity paradigm, understanding that there is no such thing as a “normal brain”, only societally sanctioned ideas of “normal behaviour”. As such, please attempt to refrain from using clinical language to...4/12
...discuss Autistic experience, unless as a means of educating about the clinical narrative, which the neurodiversity narrative opposes. For example, we at Aucademy do not discuss “autism symptoms”, but we do discuss Autistic experiences. (more detail on website) 5/12
Intersectionality: The Autistic population is as bio- & neurodiverse as the non-autistic population, & we welcome people from all communities that intersect with Autistic experience. We are particularly interested to hear from Autistic educators to work with us who are: 6/12
from the BIPOC community;
from the LGBTQ+ community;
Autistic parents;
with non-traditional education backgrounds;
Disabled Autistic people;
People with psych-divergences (e.g. voice hearers);
with non-traditional modes of communication
Learning disabled Autistic people
Gentle educating: At Aucademy we accept that learners may be coming to us with different views to our ethos – it is our job to educate, but we are not here to enforce narratives. 8/12
Ultimately, we would like Aucademy educators & collaborators who can be positive role models leading by example, who can work with diverse learners. Our learners may be Autistic people, non-autistic people, families, professionals, teachers, employers–anyone!(web more detail)9/12
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