1/ Boss, consider this if you will. X2 Nigerian males enter the UK illegally. Once here they aquire 39 false identities, all with ancillary documentation. Several identities are Fraudulently Obtained Genuine (FOG) passports. https://twitter.com/COLRICHARDKEMP/status/1294941653355175936
2/ I'm in an unmarked car. They hit ANPR. Being a nosey Intelligence Officer I follow. They stopped, see the marked AFO car and as we spoke over airwaves one legs it...in the general direction of the short stay carpark.
3/ I leg it after one, silly sausage slipped down the banking. I return with him and search the car. They had 'Card Not Present' flights booked for going out. Card details had been skimmed in New York, a cafe to be exact.
4/ I nicked them. My former shift of AFOs were seasoned officers, but procedures change. CID found it all a bit complicated, I was asked to deal. I took the lawful order, used staged disclosure, bad character evidence they had acquired as part of a 419 fraud team.
5/ It took me a month, I got them deported. The FOG list was to facilitate entry to the UK for others to enter the dark economy of the UK.

And remember what we know. Some arriving in a dingy have sinister knowledge and intent!
6/ Thanks for reading.
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