@Education_Ire must offer parents option of keeping children at home & continuing with remote learning

There's no justification with current numbers to put vulnerable or just anxious parents in this position of having to put themselves their children,or their family at risk

They also MUST provide resources for this remote learning.

Either :

- Additional staff to individual schools (probably inefficient use of resources)

- Or a centralised remote learning team.

Teachers working from home due to very high risk could be seconded to this team.

Our wonderful Education Centres could be used as centralised hubs. Teachers seconded to the Ed centres. Training provided.

Parents register with Ed Centre. Ed centre sends letter to their school and it is recorded as the reason for absense.

PDST advisors/teams could be used to support the training and implementation.

All planning and lessons could be shared centrally to maximise efficency.

This work and the training programmes could be used as a base should we end up with further closures.

*I can't count. 1, 2, 2, 3. Maybe don't put me on a Maths team....
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