Following UAE-Israel announcement, several Gulf civil society actors and political groups issue statements refusing normalisation:
(1) Bahrain: signed by coalition of seven political societies (nationalist leftist, islamist). Calls on govt not to reverse its position.
(2) Kuwait: Multiple strongly-worded statements calling for unified Arab stance, rejecting normalization.First is issued by a coalition of 7 societies(liberal, islamist nationalist). Second signed by another 4 pol societies. Third is from a student group. Fourth from trade unions
(3) BDS societies: BDS groups Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain (and a unified Gulf BDS group) also issue statements, some just as tweets. Qatars is especially notable for calling for a unified Gulf stance in spite of current circumstances.
4. Public Intellectuals:

Oman- statement by a group of 25 Omani public intellectuals calling for governments to respect the will of their people.

Kuwait- statement by group of public figures declaring they stand by Kuwaits civil society in support for Palestinians
(5) Religious Figures: the Omani Mufti has also issued a stern statement, noting that the liberation of AlAqsa mosque, and all the lands around it, is a sacred duty
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