1/ Why I left the left;

They profess to care about black lives...but ignore the mass genocide of Nigerian Christian. And only like black people who do as their told.

They profess to care about kids with disabilities whilst pushing for abortion for deformed babies.
2/ They profess to care about the working classes to point score against the Tories, whilst simultaneously depicting them as thick, racist far right thugs.

They profess to care about children whilst turning a blind eye to unfetted child rape
3/They profess to care about animals whilst refusing to acknowledge our welfare standards have been reduced for various religious groups.

They profess to care about the environment whilst ignoring the EU Mercouser deal and the negatives about electric vehicles
4/ They profess to care about animals, ignoring facts like UK to EU subsidies for to Foiegras, suckling pig, and bullfighting farms as well as 60% of world fur coming from EU countries and receiving "farming subsidies".

The EU still allows Ivory and exotic pelt import.
5/ They claim to care about children when they need votes or want to push their environmental agenda or have a go at the Tories but remain totally silent on the half a million white and Sikh girls gangraped in the UK in predominantly Labour strongholds.

19,000 last year alone.
6/ They claim to care about Asylum seekers and people fleeing war yet remain absolutely silent on the plight of the Yazidi and thr Kurds.

They absolutely refuse to condemn the EU for treating their migrants so bad they have to risk their lives to come to the UK.
7/ They scoff and ridicule Christian's and those that want to preserve their Christian values, whilst falling at the feet and fawning and groveling to every other religion
8/ They claim to want to protect everyone's culture and traditions whilst mocking and belittling those of the historic British towns and cities.
9/ they claim to want equal rights for women and support "destroying the patriarchy" and the traditional family, whilst excusing cultural and religious groups who do this in earnest.

They turn a blind eye to FGM so as not to offend.
10/ They tell westerners they're over populating the planet and destroying the environment so should have less children whilst supporting non western families having more and more children as we have a reclining population and need them.
*declining (auto correct fail)
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