#Leonardo da Vinci's Mappamundi (world map) in 8 Reuleaux triangle octants.

It is a map drawn in the "octant projection" in approximately 1514, related with the first uses of the name #America.

More➡️ https://bit.ly/33IFF8o 

The map shows all the information that A. Vespucci brought from his travels, reported in 1503 and 1505

Additionally, it shows the Arctic as an ocean and Antarctica as a continent of abt the correct size, a cartographic accuracy not replicated for abt the following 3 centuries
Some critics believe the #map was not really a work by #Leonardo himself.

It was more likely done by some trustworthy clerk or copyist under Leonardo's employment.

Here's a modern recreation of Leonardo da Vinci's world map.➡️ https://bit.ly/2KSavD8 

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