Gandalf the consultant anaesthetist a thread (ft. Frodo the trainee) @gaseousmemes @admit_medics
2/ When the trainee claims to see a grade 4 view, he takes over and reveals a perfect grade 1
3/When the surgeon's ask what was taking so long in the anaesthetic room, and comment that they are late to start
4/When the trainee says he saw a "cool" new anaesthetic technique an anaethetist on twitter tweeted, mixing propofol and ketamine in a bag of saline and slow dripping it
5/ Going to grab a coffee and gets caught up in a theatre nurse's birthday celebration
6/ When the trainee has gotten into difficulty back in theatre
7/ The "straightforward" laparotomy had turned into a lengthy subtotal colectomy
8/ It's 1655 on Friday and the surgeon's are done sooner than expected, the trainee suggests using sugammadex for a quick reversal, however they have used it 3 times already this list and are leading the department into financial ruin
9/ When the surgeon's try and sneak a peek at what's happening behind the surgical screen
10/ When he shows the trainee the secret consultant Nespresso machine, after bonding in theatre
10/ Called in by surgeons: 70 year old emergency laparotomy, ASA 4e prev sux apneoa, MP 4 ...
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