We still don't know what's going on with A-levels but, assuming they don't just bin the whole thing and go down the Scotland route, there are things that could be done re: GCSEs to mitigate another car crash...
For a start all outlier changes need to be auto-reviewed without schools needing to appeal. This applies both to any big changes (2 or more grades) or groups that are systematically affected.
Secondly they need to release a clear statement in advance of results being released telling sixth forms and colleges to accept students below their normal threshold up to maximum capacity - and if necessary to run resits later next year after courses have started.
The critical thing is as many young people as possible as least start at their destination of choice, or an institution that can teach a comparable course. Then it can be sorted out during the year rather than scuppering life chances.
If it requires delaying release to sort this then they should delay release. We really need to not put another cohort through this.
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