So this weekend, like many, we’re going to see the usual #brexit suspects come out with some of their regular outbursts. Here’s a few thoughts I have via a #Thread below.
Some of these will point blame at the EU for trying to sabotage a deal, focus specifically on Ireland or go for the approach that the EU will crack soon due to the pressures of the German car manufacturers or the likes.
We could be told, again, that Ireland will follow the U.K. out of the EU or indeed seek to rejoin the UK itself!
We’ll be told Ireland is being bullied by the EU, that we’re being forced to pay more into the budget, that we will have to increase our corporation tax & that the EU is broken.
Some might say the EU is being unreasonable in not letting the U.K. access the European Health Insurance Card or insist the French just cooperate in the Home Secretary’s new found focus on cross channel crossings by refugees & migrants
Some might also, as has become vogue, say that the Withdrawal Agreement can be opened up or that the EU is acting in bad faith; it’s not btw.
Beyond this, there’s the trumpeting up of possible trade deals with other countries or the allure of trading on WTO rules alone.
Attacking the EU is still very much en vogue & a trusted tactic of many even tho the U.K. sadly left the EU officially on the 31st January.
Now, when I or others highlight or critique these outbursts, understandably, some wonder aloud why we bother, suggest we should just ignore them or dismiss the various newspapers, politicians & commentators in question.
Here’s the crucial thing, ignoring the nonsense stories about Europe and not taking them serious is what opened the door for #brexit in the first place.
How many times did people laugh off the exaggerated claims about straight bananas, blue passports or Brussels bureaucracy?
How many times did responsible politicians and commentators engage in a little Euro blaming of their own to take the heat out of a domestic issue or divert attention?
The outbursts of the #brexit fringe must and always should be challenged. We can’t allow a creeping sense of euro scepticism to take hold here. We saw it last month with some of the knee jerk responses to the EU’s #COVID19 package.
And there’s always the old reliable “No to EU army” for European elections & Referendum campaigns.
There has been a consistent rise & formalisation of euro scepticism across the EU for the past two decades. It takes many populist forms, right & left.
It is well funded and organised with a desired outcome of pushing nationalist agendas.
The EU of course deserves fair criticism and analysis but that can’t be unfounded or for the sake of it. In turn, how many times do we praise the EU for the many things it has achieved?
Many, especially in my generation & younger, take so many of the benefits of being in the EU for granted.
First amongst these is the fact that the EU remains the world’s most successful peace project.
We consume a lot of U.K. media here in Ireland, much of it is top class journalism but a good chunk also facilitates & amplifies an ignorant approach to the EU while blindly championing #brexit.
We have a responsibility to challenge this and to learn from the mistakes made in the U.K. when it comes to talking about Europe.
The U.K. will and should continue to be a close partner of Ireland’s but our future is in the EU and that is a future we must protect 🇪🇺🇮🇪🇪🇺
At the end of the day, how can some criticise something for 40 years & then convince people in six weeks why they should vote to #Remain?
The next few weeks will see #brexit come back into focus once again.
There is no such thing as a good #brexit for anyone but we’ll need to continue to prepare for the worst eventualities, even if they are not of our making especially in light of the #COVID19 fall out.
You can follow @nealerichmond.
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