*A Short Thread*

Being accountable is a must when pursuing success.

But what is it to be accountable; and how do you implement it in your life to find success?

Below are six attributes of personal accountability I practice, daily.

1. Clear vision & direction

Set your goal and how you intend on reaching it.

Everything you do should be in context of achieving your goal.

You are a hunter, and your prey is your goal. Setting your sight on two targets at once will result in you catching neither.

2. Focus on your goal

It can be difficult to keep focus.

Put all distractions away such as mobile phone, social media etc.

Set yourself small achievable targets that will lead to your goal.

Be the hunter actively searching for their prey - laser focus.

3. Honesty and integrity

Instill honesty and integrity as your personal character’s foundation.

Those who are accountable have the courage to tell the truth.

Your character is defined by what you do when no one else is looking.

4. Trust

Trust in yourself and have confidence that your effort will be rewarded.

Trust your ability to create.

Is the delete button a regular fixture in your workflow?

Stop procrastinating on your work and put it out there for critique.

It may just be, well received..

5. Problem solving

When a problem arises, solve it.

Problem solving requires imagination and logic in order to make sense of a situation and form a solution.

Focus on the solution and not the problem.

Practice basic problem solving skills online to exercise your mind.

6. Embrace failure

Failure should be treated as a lesson, a lesson in which you can learn about yourself.

Failure will often highlight personal weaknesses, use this lesson to focus on strengthening.

"The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing." ~ Henry Ford
If you have made it this far, thank you for reading my first short thread.

I would love to hear the attributes you practice to be an accountable person.

If you like the content, consider following me for more going forward.

Have a great day.
You can follow @SmarterAction.
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