A comprehensive thread exposing Josep Guardiola, one of the biggest frauds in football management history.
Firstly, Guardiola is an inheritance merchant. Let’s take a look at the players he inherited at his clubs…

Barca: Messi, Eto’o, Henry, Puyol, Iniesta, Xavi, Toure, Valdes

Bayern (treble winners): Robben, Ribery, Muller, Kroos, Schweinsteiger, Lahm, Neuer, Boateng, Mandzukic
Man City (CL semi finalists): Silva, Aguero, Sterling, De Bruyne, Kompany, Fernandinho

14 / 16 of Guardiola’s most used players are ones he inherited.

And yet he still managed to spend well over a BILLION euros between these 3 clubs
Only Mourinho & Ancelotti have spent more on transfers than Guardiola

However JM & CA have been in management for twice as long as PG, buying over 100 players each, whereas PG has spent over €1.1 billion on 52 players, averaging > €22M per player (JM €15.5M pp & CA €14M pp)
Conte & Guardiola arrived in the PL at the same time. One inherited a 10th placed team, the other had just reached CL semi finalists

One spent £90M, the other £213M.

Who implemented their style quicker and won the league in record breaking fashion first?

Makes you think
While Conte’s tactics were revolutionising the Premier League, Guardiola went trophyless, losing 4-0 to Everton and getting knocked out the cup by Wigan.
The only teams he's actually beaten in full Champions League knockout stages with Man City are Basel & Schalke

Also became the only manager to get knocked out while his team scored 6 (vs Monaco), despite UEFA often helping him with easiest possible draws
At the end of the day, Guardiola was brought to Man City to win the Champions League, but instead he’s FAILED to get further than his predecessor, despite assembling the most expensive squad in the HISTORY of football.
Bayern got to 3 Champions League finals and won the CL as part of a treble before Guardiola arrived. In his 3 years there he failed to take them beyond the semi finals
Mandzukic said Guardiola disrespected him when he and Kroos were sold and changed Bayern for the worse

A decision I'm sure they don't regret though, considering they've both been in CL finals since, unlike a certain bald manager.
Guardiola got bullied into a sabbatical by Mourinho's Madrid when they steamrolled La Liga, accumulating over 100 points He also failed to win a CL away tie at Barcelona for 2 years

Luis Enrique went on to achieve the same as Guardiola with an inferior squad
Guardiola was certainly a beneficiary of Uefalona, as we all remember the scandalous semi final against Chelsea, as well as the Van Perse red card

If not for blatant cheating such as this, Guardiola would have zero European titles
“Every time I play Guardiola I end up with 10 men. It must be some sort of UEFA rule”

Jose Mourinho
For a manager who spends so much money, Guardiola’s track record is surprisingly poor

Of course, no one realises this cos he's always bailed out by players he inherited. Also why he only goes to clubs with unlimited funds so he can quickly replace his own flops till they work
Not to mention Guardiola's history of racism towards African players, in particular Samuel Eto’o & Yaya Toure (on 2 occasions, in Toure’s unfortunate case)

@UEFA & @kickitout say they want victims of racial abuse to speak up, but when Toure & Eto'o did, they were ignored
This interview reveals the truth about Guardiola’s disgusting and vile racially motivated behaviour of Eto’o, which was completely ignored by everyone
He’s bred a racist culture at Man City already, where casual racism is commonplace from top to bottom…
Never forget in 1997 Roberto Carlos tried to speak out after being racially abused at Camp Nou

Guardiola responded to the media by saying "He shouldn’t be talking"

Barca fans then sang “Roberto Carlos, fucking chimpanzee" & scratched "monkey" on his car
"My kids go to school with Indian people, black people and NORMAL people"

Doesn't even try to hide it
Unsurprising tho as Guardiola is an important member of the xenophobe pro-independence movement of Catalonia, whose leader defends that "Catalans are racially superior to Spaniards"

Guardiola can't handle personalities. First thing he does at his new clubs is force out the biggest characters in the dressing room, for fear of them speaking up and exposing him in front of everyone. See Toure, Mandzukic, Hart, Ibrahimovic, etc
His players may not have followed Guardiola to new clubs but his dodgy doctors have

His Barca team were known for their high energy pressing game when they lost possession and they were at their peak at the time Dr Fuentes was operating...
Never forget when Guardiola had his feet up in the US during his sabbatical while his former assistant Tito Vilanova was receiving cancer treatment in the same country, and Guardiola never visited him in hospital once.
Not football related but shows you what kind of person he is
And just cos I'm an Arsenal supporter, I’m going to shoehorn in the fact that Guardiola’s best ever side was played off the park by 19 year old Jack Wilshere 😉
In summary, there is corruption and racism following Guardiola at every club he goes to. Couple that with the world class squads he’s inherited and the unlimited spending he’s done at each club, his achievements turn out to be the bare minimum
Guardiola only succeeds in circumstances where it’s impossible to fail.

End of thread.
Quick shoutouts to @GiroudesqueV7, @EnemyOfFootbaII & @rourkeb30 for their support on this thread

Hopefully the wankers at @sportbible don't make me lose my account again due to this thread
Will take it all back if he links me with his daughter tho 😆 https://twitter.com/MEDIOVON/status/1286219251934691328?s=19
You can follow @ClockEndJamesXI.
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