Having just watched the pilot I can say that this is super reductive and it’s important for us to recognize that this compromise strikes at the very heart of Lorelai’s sense of self/agency, & both her and her mother’s shame over a non-normative family, womxnhood, and motherhood https://twitter.com/ginnyhogan_/status/1294758686443761665
Especially as womxn often bear the shames and failures of previous generations under an increasingly stringent neoliberal austerity which is always also a patriarchal control — we can’t simply render this is as a family dinner. It is coercive and harmful and misogynistic.
Within our family structures, especially between womxn and marginalized genders, patriarchal and capitalistic structures manifest in abusive ways that are invisibilized by statements like this that naturalize the nuclear family and refuse to engage in it as a capitalist structure
So yeah idk I understand that Lorelai and Rory have access to a vast amount of privilege. But also to read their family in this reductive way doesn’t serve to better articulate that privilege — it just harms others suffering these kinds of invisibilized abuses.
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